The following roadshow project information is for display purposes only during the Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week event!
1.If you are interested in showcasing your technology presentation video, please fill in the information below and upload your technology video. After our review, it will be displayed in the "Technology Roadshow Project Exhibition Hall."
2.If you are interested in participating in offline roadshow matchmaking events, please fill in the information below, and our staff will contact you to discuss further arrangements for the roadshow.
*高校/机构/企业名称 *Name of University/Institute/ Company
*姓名 *Name
*部门 *Department
*手机号 *Cell-phone number
*邮箱 *E-mail
*路演方式(最少选1 项) *Roadshow Method(minimum of 1 option)
Display roadshow video on the "Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week website"
Video format supports MP4, with a size limit of 300MB.
Participate in offline roadshow matchmaking events
*个人简介 *Personal Introduction
*路演主题 *Roadshow Theme
*路演的主要内容 *Main Content of the Roadshow