University Profile, Confirm Submission and Registration of Intention to Participate
The template is applicable to the registration of university participation intention and the collection of university profiles. The teachers from the administrative departments of scientific research management, international cooperation and technology transfer of universities fill this form. The relevant content is only used for the exhibition of Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week splay.
高校/机构名称 *Name of University/Institute
姓名 *Name
部门 *Department
手机号 *Cell-phone number
邮箱 *E-mail

Did your university participate in Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week(2021) last year?


(The Website portal of Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week, 2021, :http://hd.neteastsz.com/210707/)


If your university participated in Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week last year, will you modify the profile of your university for the exhibition of Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week,2022?


Please fill in the following three items if you are new or you need to modify the profile of university of 2021.

本年度新加入的高校 & 需要修改2021年学校介绍的的高校请填写以下3个内容

University LOGO


Profile of university (Within 200 Chinese characters and provide the English version if you have.)

高校简介 (中文不超过200字,如有英文介绍也请提供)

Scientific research advantages (Within 200 Chinese characters and provide the English version if you have.)

科研优势 (中文不超过200字,如有英文介绍也请提供)

Is your university willing to organize your teachers to participate in the forum sessions? If so, our staff will share with you the latest information like forum sessions and visiting enterprises of the Technology Exchange Week.


Is your university willing to organize your teachers to participate in the online road show of technical projects? If so, our staff will communicate with you about the details.


Do you have any suggestions on Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week,2022?



1.During the participation of the exhibition, if there is any situation involving industry secrets and core technologies, please consciously abide by the relevant confidentiality management regulations of the state, industry and units and take measures to prevent disclosure to effectively safeguard the safety and interests of the state and industry.


2.Please ensure that the information provided is true, accurate and valid. If any dishonesty is found in the review, your participation qualification will be canceled. In case of disputes related to intellectual property rights, the information provider shall bear the corresponding responsibilities.


3.The organizer fully respects all the participants and the participating projects, and promises that the project information collected will only be used in this event and will not be used for any other commercial purposes.


I have fully understood the contents of the above reminder and agree.
