2021江苏—英国技术交流周活动分设 “先进制造、医疗健康、环境工程” 三个技术路演专场。高校、科研院所展示新技术应用场景,企业发布技术需求,促进技术供需双方有效对接,增进新技术的生产者和使用者之间的互动关系,着力开启科技与经济结合的突破口。

The 2021 Jiangsu-UK Technology Exchange Week event will be divided into three special technology roadshows of "Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Environmental Engineering". Universities and scientific research institutes display new technology application scenarios, enterprises release technology requirements, promote the effective connection between technology supply and demand sides, enhance the interactive relationship between new technology producers and users, and strive to open a breakthrough in the integration of technology and economy. The technology demonstration event will be broadcast live from August 4th to August 6th. Please pay attention to the "Technical Demonstration" section for the specific start time and live broadcast entrance!

2021江苏——英国国际技术交流周活动 技术路演视频锦集(先进制造专场)
2021 Jiangsu - UK International Technology Exchange Week Technical Roadshow Live Video Gallery
(Advanced Manufacturing Session)
西交利物浦大学智能科学系 杨瑞博士的演讲视频 :基于机器学习的故障诊断与寿命预测
Presentation video from Rui Yang Ph.D, Department of Intelligent Science, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University :Fault diagnosis and life prediction based on machine learning
江苏大学 机械工程学院 胡兴好 博士 的演讲视频:高性能纤维人工肌肉及其在智能机器人中的应用
Presentation video from Xinghao Hu Ph.D ,School of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu University : High performance fiber artificial muscle and its application in intelligent robot
南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院 方成刚 博士 副教授 的演讲视频: 智能制造装备技术及其应用
Presentation video from Chenggang Fang Ph.D, Associate Professor,School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University : Intelligent manufacturing equipment technology and its application
江苏大学 智能柔性机械电子研究院 徐江 博士 的演讲视频: 低温可充放石墨基锂离子电池
Presentation video from Jiang Xu Ph.D, Institute of intelligent flexible machinery and electronics, Jiangsu University: Low temperature rechargeable graphite-based lithium-ion battery
中国矿业大学 人工智能研究院赵迪斐 博士 的演讲视频: 非常规能源纳米尺度超高精度探测表征技术
Presentation video from Difei Zhao Ph.D, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, China University of Mining and Technology : Unconventional energy Nano-scale ultra-high-precision detection and characterization technology
2021江苏——英国国际技术交流周活动 技术路演视频锦集(医疗健康专场)
2021 Jiangsu - UK International Technology Exchange Week Technical Roadshow Live Video Gallery
(Healthcare Session)
南京中医药大学 针灸推拿学院 徐天成 博士的演讲视频 :数字经络智能针灸机器人
Presentation video from: Tiancheng Xu Ph.D,Department of Acupuncture and Massage, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine: Intelligent Acupuncture Robot Based on Digital Meridian
西浦创业家学院(太仓)人工智能与先进计算学院在读博士宋思凡 的演讲视频:生成对抗模型在染色体拉直中的新应用
Presentation video from: Sifan Song, PhD candidate in School of AI and Advanced Computing of XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang): A novel application of generative adversarial models for chromosome straightening
南京工业大学 生物与制药工程学院马江锋 博士/副教授的演讲视频:生物可控合成药用右旋糖酐及其应用研究
Presentation video from: Jiangfeng Ma Ph.D, Associate Professor, College of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanjing Tech University: Bio-controlled synthesis of pharmaceutical dextran and its application
西交利物浦大学 西浦慧湖药学院 李明辉 博士的演讲视频:一种以增强 CAR-T 对肿瘤的疗效功能而研发的新型抗癌药物
Presentation video from: Meng Huee Lee Ph.D, XJTLU Wisdom Lake Academy of Pharmacy, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University: A novel anticancer drug developed to enhance the efficacy of CAR-T in tumors
西交利物浦大学 孙捷 博士 的演讲视频: 机电一体化与机器人学系家用便携式上肢康复医疗器具设计
Presentation video from: Jie Sun Ph.D,Department of Mechatronics and Robotics, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University: The design of portable home use upper limb rehabilitation medical device
西交利物浦大学 工业设计系黄梦婕 博士的演讲视频:基于虚拟现实和脑机接口的康复系统设计
Presentation video from: Mengjie Huang Ph.D,Department of Industrial Design, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Design of rehabilitation system based on virtual reality and brain-computer interface
英国利物浦大学 电子与电气工程学院 & 眼睛与视觉科学学院 张子健 博士/博士后的演讲视频:SORTDR相机: 糖网筛查全新智能解决方案
Presentation video from: Zijian Zhang Ph.D, Postdoctoral Research Associate,Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics & Department of Eye & Vision Sciences, University of Liverpool: SORTDR Camera: A new AI-enabled intelligent solution for diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening
英国斯旺西大学 医学创新技术专家的Dr Bethan R Thomas 和 英国斯旺西大学 产业合作经理Mr. Alex Evans 的演讲视频:医疗技术中心
Presentation video from:Dr Bethan R Thomas ,Innovation Technologist, Medicine   Swansea University and Mr. Alex Evans , Business Engagement and Communications Manager, Swansea University : Healthcare Technology Centre
2021 Jiangsu - UK International Technology Exchange Week Technical Roadshow Live Video Gallery
(Environmental Engineering Session)
西交利物浦大学 虚拟工程中心主任 岳勇 教授 的演讲视频:水环境监测无人水面航行器的研制
Presentation video from Yong Yue,Professor and Director of the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC), Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University : Research and development of unmanned surface vehicles for water environment surveillance
西交利物浦大学 土木工程系Pow Seng Yap 博士 的演示项目:对苯二胺功能化氧化石墨烯/PVC复合纸高效去除水中重金属离子的研究进展
Presentation project from Pow Seng Yap Ph.D, Department of Civil Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University: Research progress of p-phenylenediamine functionalized graphene oxide/PVC composite paper for efficient removal of heavy metal ions from water

If you are interested in this project, please contact Ms. Du,0512-81883262;Tingting.Du@xjtlu.edu.cn


The technology demonstration event will be broadcast live from August 4th to August 6th. Please pay attention to the "Technical Demonstration" section for the specific start time and live broadcast entrance!


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